Jain Aagam Sutrakritanga - Book 1 Chapter 1 Lesson 1 Sutra 2

  1. English

Aagam Sutra


चित्तमंतमचित्तं वा, परिगिज्झ किसामिव ।
अण्णं वा अणुजाणाइ, एवं दुक्खा ण मुच्चइ ॥


cittamaṃtamacittaṃ vā, parigijjha kisāmiva ।
aṇṇaṃ vā aṇujāṇāi, evaṃ dukkhā ṇa muccai ॥

Read full sutrakritanga original sutra here


One who possesses living or non-living things, or even frivolous things like chaff or one who approve of others who do it, in this way, does not become free from sorrows.


चित्तमंतमचित्तं वा
living and non-living things
Sandhi of चित्तमंतम् (living beings) + अचित्तं (non-living; without consciousness)
frivolous, insignificant things
अण्णं वा
or others
approve / condone
grammar 3rd person singular verb present tense
in this way
ण मुच्चइ
does not become free


Note that non-possession (अपरिग्रह) is one of the five cardinal values of Jain monks, others being non-violence, truth, chastity, and non-stealing.

Begin with non-possession

This sutra simply states that one who possesses anything — be it animal, person, thing or for that matter even frivolous item like chaff — cannot be free from sorrows. So by logic, to be happy, one must stop possessing things.

Thus, Jain monks do not possess anything — no money, property, and Digambars not even clothes. Now, for a lay person living in real world, this seems impossible (after all this sutra is meant for the monks). But you too can imbibe the essence of the sutra.

At least you can start thinking on how to reduce your attachment of material possessions. Do you really need all the hundreds of gadgets, appliances, clothes, etc.? At the next level, if you love someone, love him or her, but don’t possess the person.

Additionally, note that not only must you yourself not possess anyone but also you should not approve of someone else doing it.


Simply put, do not possess anything. Just live your life as you came in the world — with nothing to lose — and that’s the first step towards becoming free from sorrows.

© CA Manas Madrecha

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